
Exclusive Story Highlight

Grateful to Adriana and the team at @visura.co for highlighting an image from the Exclusive stories waiting to be published. Check out the 15 photographers whose works are mentioned here. Thanks for looking out for us! 🌞🌻💫🙏
Indian photographer @Supranavdash shares an image from the exclusive story titled "Quarantine Still Lifes", a series that explores through stills themes of isolation, spirituality, anxiety, desperation, and queerness during the Covid-19 crisis.

[Credit: Supranav Dash]

Supranav Dash
Based in Kolkata, India
Visura @supranavdash
IG @supranavdash

Visura is delighted to highlight images from exclusive stories by 15 visual storytellers and journalists worldwide. We hope this feature encourages editors in newsrooms and organizations worldwide to connect with new work and talent worldwide. There are so many unseen stories yet to be told—ready to be discovered.

This selection was curated by Visura founder Adriana Teresa Letorney.

Visura offers editors free accounts to search the Visura database by members or stories. We are here to serve our industry, empower visual storytellers and journalists worldwide, and help elevate media literacy. For more info, please email us at editor@visura.co.

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